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International Publié le vendredi 17 décembre 2010 |

Siding with democracy

Libération des médias d`état: la marche du RHDP sur la RTI a été violemment réprimée par les forces de l`ordre
Jeudi 16 décembre 2010 Abidjan. Photo: les soldats ont ouvert le feu sur les manifestants
The Washington Post - THE SLOW progress of democracy in Africa has been hindered by two bad bargains the continent`s leaders have made in recent years. In 2007, Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki sought to remain in office even though exit polls showed he had lost an election to challenger Raila Odinga. After an eruption of tribal warfare, African leaders brokered a power-sharing deal in which Mr. Kibaki kept the presidency. A few months later, Zimbabwean strongman Robert Mugabe similarly resorted to violence after he lost an election; once again the result was a regional accord that left him in office. Neither arrangement worked - and they provided a bad example to other African leaders.

In that context, African and international reaction to the crisis in the Ivory Coast has been... suite de l'article sur

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