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Politique Publié le mercredi 22 décembre 2010 |

ECOWAS expresses deep concern over latest developments in Cote d’Ivoire

The ECOWAS Commission has learnt with surprise and disappointment, the ultimatum issued by the outgoing President of Cote d’Ivoire, Mr. Laurent Gbagbo, last Saturday to UNOCI, the UN Peacekeeping Mission, and the French Forces, Licorne, to leave the country immediately. ECOWAS wishes to state that the ultimatum, far from helping the situation, would further heighten tensions and worsen the plight of the vulnerable in the country.

The Commission calls on the outgoing President to desist from his stand-off with the peacekeeping forces but rather to join in the effort in seeking ways of creating an environment of peace and security in the country.

It will like to recall the Decision of 7th December 2010 by the ECOWAS Authority recognizing Mr. Alassane Ouattara as the legitimate winner of the presidential run-off election of 28th November 2010 and urges Mr. Laurent Gbagbo to yield power with dignity without further delay.

The Commission urges Mr. Gbagbo to reconsider his confrontational stance towards the international community and act in the supreme interests of the country and the region by ensuring a smooth transfer of power.

Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)

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